Booking on Meets
Usually you don't need to book on camping meets, evening meets or day meets. If you do need to book on to any of these meets then details will be on the bulletin board.
Most social events don't require booking but if there are limited places available then information on booking will be on the bulletin board.
To attend a hut meet you do need to book in advance. See how to do this below.

Hut Booking Rules
The hut booking rules have been carefully built up over the years to give the fairest way for all members to book on hut meets. They may seem complicated or over the top but they are in place to provide fairness to all members.
Hut booking rules are explained in detail in the LMC handbook. The main points are summarised below.
- Booking opens one calendar month before the first night of the meet.
- Booking on a meet is now done via the website. Log in and navigate to 'My Details' or the Meets Calendar to get started.
- To sign up for an open meet click "Sign Up". This will take you to the sign-up page for that meet.
- On the meet page click the "Sign Up!" button. You should then see your name added to the list of Sign ups (pending).
- Post on the bulletin board thread so that the meet leader knows you are coming.
- You can still sign up by sending a cheque to the meet leader, who will add you to the online booking.
- Members must have paid the current year’s subscription fee (“subs”) to be eligible to book. Prospective members must have filled out the membership application form in addition to paying their subs.
- Members may book a place for themselves plus one other full or prospective member, though this cannot be done online.
The current fee is £17 per person per night
The Meet Leader will post information about the meet, including a list of people who have successfully booked places or been added to the reserves list, on the club bulletin board.
In the event that you cannot attend a hut meet after booking:
- The fee is not normally returnable unless another member attends in your place. The Meet Leader will operate a “reserves list” and fill the place on your behalf. You should not offer the place to someone else unless the Meet Leader gives you permission to do so.
- In mitigating circumstances, the booking fee may be waived. This is at the discretion of the Committee and cannot be decided by the Meet Leader.