Leeds Mountaineering Club takes the privacy of our members data seriously and will only use your personal information for club administration purposes and for communicating with you about your membership. All of the members of the LMC Committee will be able to access your details. More information about how we look after your data can be found within the Handbook. Leeds Mountaineering Club will never share or sell your data without your prior permission.
As a BMC-affiliated club we will provide your name, contact details and date of birth to the BMC to administer your membership of the BMC including your combined liability insurance cover. The BMC will use your data to communicate with you about your membership. The BMC will contact you to invite you to create a ‘Member Profile’ which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings. More information about how the BMC uses data can be found at www.thebmc.co.uk/privacy.
Download the Constitution & Handbook (pdf)