The Committee
David Ponting

Mountaineering-wise, I've been active for over twenty years, including a full mixture from alpine climbing trips, to skiing in the arctic, to enjoying a casual Friday night bouldering session. After spending years in the flat fenlands of Cambridge, moving up to Leeds eight years ago - with beautiful countryside on our doorstep - has been an excellent choice and I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring said countryside and beyond with the club.
Away from the mountains, I'm a research scientist by day and a keen cyclist, runner, photographer, cook and gardener.
Clare Avory

I'm mainly a hill walker, scrambler and occasional walk leader, although I enjoy bouldering and sport climbing too.
Meets Secretary
Sarah Sharps

I enjoy climbing, indoor and outdoor; I have a love-hate relationship with gritstone but I'm forced to climb on it anyway because apparently it's the done thing around here. I love bikes also, road and MTB and I love a good mountain walk, rarely straying into mountaineer territory. Generally happiest wandering in the Lake District in the summer in good company, a bag full of snacks and a mega flask of tea. I also enjoy photography, film making, graphic design and anything crafty. I'm in a rock/metal covers band too.
Membership Secretary
Sarah McCullagh

Steph Jenkins

A relative new recruit, I've been part of LMC since 2023. I enjoy climbing of all varieties, hill walking, trail running and snowboarding.
Social Secretary
Pete Coldham

Climbing Coordinator
Graham Matthews

I have been climbing since the age of about ten and love all disciplines of climbing, especially trad. I enjoy climbing all over the UK but particularly the Peak district and Pembroke.
Walking Coordinator
Alice Jones

If you'd like to join, please register on the web site and drop us a message on the bulletin board and we'll look out for you at the designated meeting point.
Social Media Secretary
Graham Jones

As social media secretary I look after the club Instagram and Facebook pages to promote the club, act as first point of contact for enquiries through those channels, and generally post content that makes me chuckle even if no one else does. I'm driven by likes, shares, and engagement numbers so please keep hitting that thumbs up button!
I was dragged up in the club from about the age of five owing to being the offspring of a Munro bagger, but I was formally reacquainted with the LMC around ten years ago. I just enjoy being out in the hills, easy trad climbs and occasional bolt clipping. Colour coordinated kit is a must. Bouldering is always rubbish. Occasionally I ride bikes.
Ordinary Member
Andy May