Subscription Information

  • The LMC subscription from 2025 will be £33.50.
  • Membership lasts from 1st January to 31st December in the year paid.
  • If you are a new member paying after 1st October then your membership will run until 31st December the following year.
  • If you are already an individual BMC member, we are still required to pay the BMC for your LMC club subscription, however, after you have paid your LMC subscription you can speak to the BMC directly to have your membership amended to a "club upgrade membership" by contacting [email protected] to avoid paying the BMC fee twice. If you are a member of multiple BMC affiliated clubs, you can reclaim any duplicated BMC subscriptions by contacting the BMC on the above email address.

Pay with Paypal

If you have a Paypal account you can instantly pay the LMC your membership fees by clicking the button below. There is a small fee for using PayPal which is added to the total payable.

Other Ways to Pay

Bank Transfer

You can transfer the membership fee directly into the LMC bank account. You'll need to email the club to get our sort code and account number. Please put your name and "subs" as the reference when you make the transfer.


You can post or give a cheque to the treasurer. The treasurers address is in the private section of the bulletin board, or if you don't have access email the club. Please write your name and "subs" on the back of the cheque.

Contact Us