How do I...
Join the LMC?
First thing to do is to fill out the application form. Once you've done this find a meet you'd like to go on and come along!
We organise the meets on the Bulletin Boards, so you should register to use them and post on the thread of the meet you want to come along to. You need to have paid the membership fee to come to weekend meets.
Application Form
Find Club Members on a Meet?
If you're looking for us at the Big Depot the best thing to do is to ask a Big Depot staff member - they know who many members are.
For meets not at Big Depot it's best to post up on the bulletin boards as a meeting time and place will be set there.
If all else fails look out for Leeds Mountaineering Club (LMC) T shirts and hoodies!
There's more information on what we do and where we meet on the meets page.
Update My Details?
If you're already a member then you should be able to log into your account on this website to update your details. Just click log in at the top right to go to the login page.
If you're forgotten your password we have a handy password reset link which will email you a temporary password to access your account.
Note: the bulletin boards have a separate log in and register function to this site.